Friday, July 20, 2007


Today Ellia is one month old. The initial 'culture shock' as I've tended to describe it has begun to wear off a bit, and we're settling into a new life called parenthood. My friend and mentor Bobby would often teach from his experience as a father on the Fatherhood of God. Parenthood certainly provides the opportunity to learn more about our triune God who is Father, Son, and Spirit (as we have already begun to taste).

So we intend to pay close attention to the things we see in Ellia, the experiences of parenting a child, and the opportunities to learn and to teach. Our hope is to share at least some of these encounters with you via this blog. We will continue to post pictures of Ellia, probably more than some of you care to see. But we want to complement those pictures with stories and musings that God brings to our attention with the hopes of encouraging all of us in our journeys toward knowing him.

And here is what our one-month-old looks like today.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Happy one month Ellia! :)