Saturday, December 29, 2007

We're back...for a bit

Well, we've taken a bit of a holiday, both from the blog and from our regular responsibilities. We've been on a couple of really short flights (one with Brennan Manning and both with Ellia's poo flying freely), visited with Christina's family in Baton Rouge (Noni, Granddaddy, Uncle Clint, and Aunt Hilary), more family in Conroe (Granmama, Buck, Uncle Andy, Aunt Patsy, Brian, and Emily), and then to a wonderful wedding of two wonderful friends (Erin and Jeff) where we were able to reunite with many good friends. Lots of traveling with great friends (Anna Beth and Keith) ended a great first leg of the holidays. Next, off to visit my family in Snyder for the New Year. But first, here are some pictures from our travels.

People tell us we look alike. I don't really see it, but I take it as a compliment.

Finally some extended time with Uncle Clint

Ellia only chews on people she likes...and, boy, did she love Aunt Hilary!

Noni and Granddaddy took good care of us in their new place in Baton Rouge.

Ellia, hamming it up

One of her favorite places to roost is atop Granddaddy's shoulder.

Uncle Ryan looked after Ellia during most of the time Mom and Dad had their own responsibilities at the wedding. He had a little fun with the leftover Christmas manger at the church. "Baby Jesuita," according to Ellia's doting uncle.

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